NEAM Presents for ACLI: Financing the COVID-19 Rescue Pakage

Vin DeLucia, Chief Investment Officer, NEAM presented for ACLI's recent webinar series. The webinar was titled "Financing the COVID-19 Rescue Package: Short and Long Run Implications for the U.S" and touched upon relevant themes for Life Insurance companies. 

Watch the full presentation here:



The opinions expressed in the above presentation are those of Vincent DeLucia as of June 2020 and are subject to change at any time without notice. Future results may significantly differ from any forward-looking statement made depending on factors such as changes in securities, financial markets or general economic conditions. The above presentation is for informational and illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice, a recommendation to buy or sell a specific security or to adopt a specific investment strategy. The information is based on sources believed to be reliable and/or from proprietary data developed by NEAM, but we do not represent as to its accuracy or its completeness. This information is proprietary and is not permitted to be reproduced, disseminated or made available to others in any manner without NEAM’s prior written consent. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.


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